Sunday, February 9, 2014

Super Bowl Night 2014

February 2, 2014

It’s an interesting night.  The Super Bowl of 2014 just ended a couple of hours ago.  Yikes!  Mr. Manning just couldn’t catch a break all night. It’s a balmy night here in South Texas at around 48 degrees but the humidity level is at about 75% and there is no wind at all.  It’s very still and quiet outside.  I live on a small ranch and some nights like tonight, there are no sounds at all.  It is about 10:55pm and I’m expecting the coyotes to show up any minute and begin their howling out in the back of the ranch as they run through the property on their way to wherever they go every night.

It was nice to hang out with my Church Home Group tonight to watch the game and just kick back eating and laughing and just enjoying each other.  We are all a pretty intense group, with big dreams and visions, a true heart for the Lord’s love and always praying into ways we can be used more.  Sometimes I think we take on a little too much but knowing that the Lord has sent us out, we also know He will restore us when we are weary. 

I’ve just sort of been reflecting tonight on the last couple of weeks in my life.  There have been so many great things that the Lord has been doing, fulfilling promises in some areas, making me wait in others. I’ve grown closer to Him every step along the way. 

With my school work, I’ve really been stretching to learn all of this new vocabulary, writing assignments that have to meet APA guidelines using citations, (I couldn’t even had written that sentence 2 months ago), meeting deadlines and overall getting used to the entire online atmosphere for school.  I like it; it is all just very new for me.  I, at 50, just started my college education.  I am working towards my Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice.  Hopefully after I achieve that degree, I will move forward to getting my Masters in Social Work.

 Work is also new for me.  I am working as an administrative assistant I suppose you would call it, for a non-profit agency that assists folks with housing issues, be it rent assistance or legal services for those that might be getting treated unfairly by landlords.  I just started there a few weeks ago and am only working part time temporarily.  Once we receive additional funding, I will be able to work full time at a higher rate of pay.  I am writing grants and preparing to conduct some financial literacy workshops for those that we serve.

I also am a representative for a network marketing company.  Can someone please tell me why I can’t cross over to the next realm and actually wear out my warm market and just begin to work a cold market? Good grief.  I guess I must not be hungry enough.  I have begun to expand my contact lists.  Reaching out on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook to lots of new people and directing traffic to this blog site.  I will be updating this much more regularly and I will be praying as to what sort of material I will cover.

 My overall vision which fuels my goals is to open a recovery center for women survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence and unwed mothers.  I would love nothing more than to give them a safe place to rebuild their lives. I would really like to purchase this ranch where I am living now.  It is so beautiful and serene and not one thing would need to be done to create that here besides some additional beds and household items such as kitchen items, personal items, etc. I would love to build an organic garden in one of the areas out front and create a horse riding arena in the opposite pasture for possibly rescued horses to be nursed back to health. I understand the holistic value of digging in the dirt and making things grow or nurturing animals back to health in order to enhance a person’s own healing. I have such a beautiful picture in my mind.  Offsite I would love to create an all organic store and a restaurant in order for the women to learn additional marketable skills.  I see the two places joined together by a community gathering area where there could be open mic afternoons, planned or unplanned country jamming sessions and maybe from time to time, a famous artist come to help raise some money.  Overall it would be a place for the community to just come and relax and enjoy each other’s company.  The last piece would be to have a “next step” independent living type apartment complex where the women could still be in a safe place, but learn to start living on their own when they are ready, making room for new women to begin their healing process.
I’d love for there to be a husband in this picture too.  If you know anyone, I might be taking applications… hahahaha. 

I keep moving forward in all areas of my life.  I just have so many new things going on; it all feels a little overwhelming sometimes. Although I have a super clear vision for the future, it’s these next 3 to 6 months that look super hazy.  I am definitely walking in faith daily… sometimes hourly.  Hopefully this gives you a little more insight into my current life. 

I will be giving you a deeper explanation to the things that have happened these last two years to get me right where I am today.